PLAN commissioned two research papers to deepen our understanding and direct our efforts in creating a Registered Disabilities Savings Plan:

Disability Savings Plan: Policy Milieu and Model Development
To deepen our understanding of the implications of implementing a Disability Savings Plan, this paper explores various issues related to public policy and taxation. Author and renowned policy analyst Richard Shillington examines current social assistance and income tax regulations and their affect on the accumulation, transfer, and utilization of assets as well as public policy precedents in taxation and transfer programs. The paper also provides a public policy analysis of three proposed models for a Disability Savings Plan.

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Disability Savings Plan: Contribution Estimates and Policy Issues
In this paper, former Finance Canada employee and prominent RRSP/RESP expert Keith Horner elaborates on the policy analysis recently conducted for PLAN (see Shillington’s papers, above). Horner’s research examines the potential benefits, for both contributors and recipients, of the Disability Savings Plan and compares anticipated levels of contribution by Canadians to costs to the government, if the DSP is implemented.

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