Funding for the E150 program is limited and there are times when we need to pause granting while we seek additional funding. You are welcome to submit an application at any time; if we do not currently have funding available, you will be added to a waitlist and your application will be processed once the grant resumes.

The Endowment 150 grant offers eligible people with disabilities a one-time grant of $150 to help their Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) grow.

*Are you a resident of Newfoundland or Labrador and have an RDSP? You could also be eligible to receive $150 towards your Registered Disability Savings Plan administered by the Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Community Living (NLACL). Click here to learn more or fill out the Provincial Incentive Program form. 


About the Endowment 150 Program

Plan Institute, Disability Alliance of BC, and the British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society, have united to launch a new program designed to help British Columbians with disabilities learn about and access tax benefits that will help them save for the future. As part of this initiative, Plan Institute is distributing a one-time $150 grant to help low-income British Columbians to start growing their RDSP, thanks to the support of the Vancouver Foundation.

Endowment 150 grants are available for all children in BC with RDSPs, and individuals and families with low-incomes who are residents of BC and have an RDSP. Read the requirements and make sure you send in all the items on the checklist with your Application Form.

If the individual who receives the $150 endowment grant is eligible for matching government grants, they could receive an additional payment of up to $450 into their RDSP, bringing the total contribution to $600.

You can find out more on the Adult Application page or the Child Application page.

Click here for a summary of the Endowment 150 program in a PDF format.


Apply for the Endowment 150

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Want to learn more?


These initiatives are made possible with generous support from the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and the Vancouver Foundation.

Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction logoVancouver foundation logo