As we approach the 3-year anniversary of the RDSP we’d like to reflect on the stories and the insights that you’ve shared with us regarding your RDSP experience. One way we’ll be doing this is by posting the top barriers to the RDSP. From the early days of development to the implementation of the RDSP, PLAN has walked alongside families as they’ve navigated through the process of attaining a RDSP, and along the we’ve learned a lot! As a way of sharing with you what we’ve learned, we want to present our findings and most importantly, we want to hear your ideas of how these barriers could be overcome. Over the next few weeks, PLAN presents the Top Ten RDSP Barriers located here, on the RDSP blog. These barriers have been identified through the thousands of families from across Canada whom we spoke with or who filled out evaluations and surveys.
As a teaser to our weekly posts, here is the Top Ten RDSP Barrier list:
- Withdraw year limit
- Government contribution age limit
- Withdraw restrictions
- Inflexibility of the Lifetime Disability Assistance Payments (LDAP) formula
- Creditors
- Inability to appoint new beneficiary
- Disability Tax Credit (DTC) eligibility
- Contractual competency
- Re-Applying to the DTC
- Other income test & asset based benefits
This week we’ll begin with posting the #10 barrier and then we’ll work our way up the list to #1. Each week will present the barrier and provide a brief background of the current policy. Then we’ll turn to you to provide us with your invaluable feedback.